Policies and Welfare

Company Policies and Welfare

Fairness and Equity

Sports Equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.

Swim Enfield is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of discrimination, intimidation, harassment and abuse.

A Safe Environment

Swim Enfield is committed to a club environment in which all children participating in its activities have a safe, positive and enjoyable experience in a safe and child centred environment, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, and socio-economic background, and are protected from abuse whilst participating in swim training or lessons or outside of the activity.

Our Welfare Officer

Laura, the Swim Enfield Welfare Officer, is a direct point of contact for anyone who has a child safeguarding concern within the Swim Enfield training environment or our teaching houses.

Coaches and Teachers

All our staff undergo regular Child Safeguarding training and, as a parent or guardian, you can be assured that:

  • your child is safeguarded during their time with us.
  • all people with responsibility for your child will:
  • be suitably qualified and trained.
  • have been safely recruited by Swim Enfield and have an up-to-date DBS check.
  • any concerns about your child’s welfare will be listened to and responded to.

If you are concerned about your own or another Swim Enfield member's safety and welfare, or suspect abuse, please contact our Welfare Officer Laura in confidence.

You can also call Swimline (0808 1004001) , Childline (0800 1111) or the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline (0808 800 5000).

IMPORTANT: If you are concerned about a swimmer's immediate safety, contact the police.

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